Yeap... we just had durians (pronounced as "do-ree-aunt") yesterday!! It was yummylicious! A close friend of ours came over in the afternoon and spent the evening at our house, their daughter is about 2 months+ older than Ben so they were having a blast playing in Ben's playroom. Then we went out for dinner and stopped over to buy back some durians to eat at home.
This is the durian stall we went to... They even have their own website! Coolness! 

Oh yeah, before I forget, noticed that new watermark on the picture above? What do you think of it? Also a creation of moi.. hahaha... I wanted it to look like it has been stamped the way they do when they sent mails and stuff but I guess this will do...
So anyway before I distract myself further from the topic of durians, we ordered 2 types of durians... We got one of the staff there to choose the best ones and he went ahead and cut open the durians with his big knife...

And then he showed us the contents:

Look at the glorious yellowing fleshy durians in there! The staff then asked us to take one and tried just to be sure it's the best, so hubby wasted no time and proceeded to dunk in his hand and grabbed one and tried. Look at the picture below... look at Ben's pitiful face... OK, maybe he doesn't look pitiful but he was gazing intently at the durian (by which all that was left in daddy's hand was the seed)

The rest of the durians were swiftly cut open and packed into a container for us to bring back home to eat. Sorry for the picture color, it was taken under yellow warm light, and definitely doesn't do the justice of those glorious and yummylicious durians...
Ben loves eating it though we don't give him a lot, just tiny bits for him to try the new taste 

So anyway, you can read more about durians from Wikipedia at this link. How about you? Have you tried durians before?