Alyson is 2 months and 2 days old today...
And 2 years ago, exactly 2 days after my 2 months maternity leave, I quit my IT job.
* Photo credit: Google search
I still remember how worried and stressed out I was during my maternity leave in deciding whether to continue on with my job or to quit and stay home to take care of Ben. You can read this post on one of the reasons why I quit my IT job (it's in my old blog) for more details.
On the 2nd day after I returned back to work, the decision was clear. QUIT. I served my 1 month notice and paid up the other 2 months (no loss as I get paid during my 2 months maternity leave) and began my SAHM journey from then on.
I am glad I'm a SAHM now that Alyson comes along, at least I don't have to go through the headache and heartache of worrying who and how is she going to be taken care while I work etc etc.
Btw, today Ben turns 32 months old, which marked my 32 months of breastfeeding him, the first 6 exclusively, then breastfed him through my pregnancy and now, tandem nursing him (mostly down to once a day prior to bedtime) with Alyson... Happy 32 months old to my dear Benjamin!
And I'm also being featured in Mumsgather blog today! Go and check out my guest post!