8th August 2012 marks the day I babywear my 11 months old girl.
We have a baby sling given by someone when Ben was 1 month old but it was kept in the storeroom and I couldn't find it anymore! So decided to buy this very cheap baby sling instead (it's only RM36 ~ about USD12) and I like that it's small when you fold it back up (easy to bring along!) and that it can be adjusted accordingly (though I didn't adjust it at all!), I also love the color (I chose it myself!) as I'm trying not to get those fancy smancy flowery design, so yeah, I like what I bought :)
I'm still getting used to the baby sling. Not easy to put in my girl into the sling, but I think with practise, it'll be better over time.
So what do you think? Drop me a comment if you want to know where to get this in Malaysia!