My name is Benjamin. At 18.5 months old, I might be one of your youngest fan - for now.
Btw, I love guitars!
When my daddy went to buy his own accoustic guitar, mummy and I tagged along and I was so amazed at the many selections of guitars there.

Yes, I might be in my jammies, but it's the passion and talents that matters right?
Every morning after I wake up, I'll bug the daylights out of my mummy to play your song, "Say" then I'll grab my guitar and pose like you.
And sometimes I hum and sway along to your song.
Sometimes I pretend as if I'm singing in front of a big crowd in one of your awesome concerts and I'd be generously granting encore requests from my imaginary fans.


You guys over that side! You want one more round?!
Sometimes I just sit around and strike my macho pose like how you do it.
I know I'm still a toddler and my interests changes really fast.
So while you are still at the top of my favorite stuff, I just want to dedicate this post to you.
Thank you for your awesome music!
Love you (for now),