I have received a number of emails and comments from my followers asking how I get to review products and apps so I decided to list down my tips and post it (maybe weekly?) to share my experience and tips. Feel free to drop me an email or comment if you want to find out more or anything else.
Last week, I shared my fourth tips in getting products to review, which is CONTACT ME! Here goes my fifth tip:
Of course after you reviewed the product, you need to post your review, but what I also meant is,
Now what you need to know & do:
- Once you have completed your review, post it up on your blog.
- Then, make sure you also put up the review into as many commercial websites as you possibly can.
- Commercial website such as Amazon can be used for reviews on books, apps and products (look up the product you are reviewing, if they can be found on Amazon, post your review there too!) But do note that you can only post reviews on Amazon if you have bought something from them before. I think it is to do with your credibility in posting your reviews, kinda like, you bought something from Amazon, so if you publish your review on a product, it is more credible.
There you go, my 5th blog tips on getting products to review.
Try it yourself and let me know the outcome!
Stay tuned for my next blog tips next week!

** P.S: Please note that it is always better if your blog has good following and good PR rank as these factors help a lot when you request for a product to review.