Product Review -

~ Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 7:59 AM ~

I have been cutting down on doing product reviews since 2014 and only accepted those that I feel will definitely fit into our family dynamics (especially books on parenting or homeschooling stuff, family products, something along those genre)

Few months ago, I received an offer to review some products carried by After browsing through their website and seeing the potential on how I can incorporate the products into our family, I decided to go ahead with the review.

I'm a full-time mummy

About the company:

"'s mission is to provide nutritious, organic or natural foods and skin care from the farmers or company people can trust. is more than just a superfoods company. We are passionate about natural health and beauty solutions. We're committed to offering superfoods and skin cares with premium quality, free from harmful chemicals at reasonable price."

I'm a full-time mummy

I received the following items for my review:


# 1 - REA Organic Ginger Powder

I started my review with REA Organic Ginger Powder. I was planning to cook Ginger Chicken with Scallions for dinner that night, so might as well do something new! Instead of using the ginger in my kitchen, I opened up a sachet of the ginger powder.

I did taste the powder a wee bit, I feel it has a very strong ginger taste and smell. I added a few tablespoons of water and mixed it with the powder and poured the mixture onto my chicken as I cooked it. Taste wise compared to my previous cooking, this time using the ginger powder yields a slightly more bitter taste - mostly because I also cut down on sugar and salt in my cooking that day. But otherwise I think it is one of the many good ways to incorporate ginger into our cooking.


# 2 - REA Organic Camu-camu Powder

To be honest, I have no idea what I can make to incorporate the camu-camu powder. I googled around and read that it can be used in drinks and meat dishes. I was planning to cook garlic minced pork on the day so I thought why not? But I hesitated as minced pork is my 4-year-old's favourite dishes and I really don't want the dish to turn out horribly wrong as my very picky girl will straight out flat refused to eat a dish if it tasted funny. She is that picky and sensitive. Nevertheless, for the sake of my sanity, I tore open a sachet and poured into the mixture that I'm planning to use to cook my minced pork. I tasted some of the camu-camu powder and it tasted bitter and strong spice smell. The real test is after the dish has been cooked and watching my 4-year-old girl tucked into her plate of rice with some of the minced pork.

No reactions. She continued eating. She did ask me 'Mummy, is this pork?' LOL I said yes and tasted some myself. The dish tasted more herbish (is there such a word?) this round, fruitier too if I might add but nonetheless, edible as how my minced pork dishes taste like usually. Pass!


# 3 - REA Organic Wheatgrass Powder

It is easy to think of what to make with the REA Organic wheatgrass powder. My first plan is to make some honey wheatgrass drink for myself. So what I did was pour myself a cup of hot water, add in a sachet of wheatgrass powder and stir in some honey inside. Easy peasy for an afternoon tea!

My next idea on how I can incorporate the wheatgrass powder is to add them into the homemade yogurt drinks that I regularly make for our kiddos. You can click on the link above to find out how to make the homemade yogurt drinks. What I did was to add in the wheatgrass powder before adding in the fruit juice and stirring the yogurt drinks before chilling them in the fridge.

My 6.5-year-old boy who is a fan of my yogurt immediately noticed the taste difference this round and politely declined my yogurt. However, my 2-year-old girl slurped all the yogurt by herself. She loves it!

I made the yogurt again a few weeks after that and our youngest kiddo loves it still! I will continue to sneak in the wheatgrass powder in my yogurt since my youngest kiddo loves it. As for my oldest, I'll just have to separate out a batch without the wheatgrass powder added in for him.


# 4 - REA Organic Chia Seeds

It is easy for me to incorporate chia seeds into my cooking. On the day I planned to make my Chinese steamed egg, I just scooped some chia seeds into the egg mixture before steaming them. Taste wise no difference to me except with chia seeds, the eggs have a crunchier feel now.

I also added some chia seeds as garnishing to my stir fried vegetable dish. A wonderful way to spice up a dull looking dish I feel :)


# 5 -Super Sprout Organic Lemon Powder

What comes to mind when I see lemon is LEMON CHICKEN dish! I scooped some lemon powder into a mixture of water + sugar before adding them into my chicken and braised into lemon chicken dish. Delicious!


# 6 -Manuka Vantage Hand Creme

How awesome is it that I also get to review beauty products?! According to the product page, this protective and repairing hand creme is useful for dry and damaged hands. Exactly my skin type! Other than that, the hand creme is also suitable to use on minor burns, cuts, grazes, insect bites, skin irritation and sunburn. I applied them onto my arms and elbows and yes, even my legs hehehehe.

You can see the picture before and after applying the hand creme. My skin is really dry and cracked up looking but the lines are much more subtler and not so noticeable after applying the hand creme few times.


# 7 - Manuka Vantage Oil

The last item in my review list is the Manuka Vantage Oil. To be honest, I am still not a fan of the smell. I just think it smells awful to me. But trust me, it is very very very effective! Just a drop or two onto your wounds and it heals very fast!

The manuka oil comes in a small handy bottle, perfect to carry around in your handbag or diaper bag. So happened my 6.5-year-old boy hurt his leg on the very day I received the items for my review, so I dropped some of the oil onto his wounds. I just smeared the oil around his wound gently and let it dry off by itself. The wound start healing and the very next day, it started scabbing nicely. You can see the before and after picture shown below.

I also applied the manuka oil onto other wounds that I discovered on our active boy's body and the wound healed up nicely in 1 day time. I also had a minor cut on my foot and the wound starts scabbing in a day as well. No itch, no stinging sensation or anything while healing. Awesome! FYI, the anti-microbial activity of Manuka Vantage Oil is about 20–30 times more active than Australian Tea Tree oil, meaning the levels of the substance that kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi is higher in comparison. I have tried tea tree oil before and it is good, so to know that the manuka oil is 20-30 times more active than the tea tree oil is all the more awesome!

Btw, not everyone's skin can tolerate the 100% pure manuka oil, so you can do a skin test before using by diluting 1 part Manuka Oil to 10 parts water and apply it on your sensitive skin/area.


To sum up my review, I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to try out the products from

My favourites are the wheatgrass powder, lemon powder and Manuka oil.

Highly recommended!

I'm a full-time mummy

For more products, do check out

Don't forget to use the code 'IMAFULLTIMEMUMMY' when you make your purchases!

I'm a full-time mummy

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - First Heart Surgery On a 29-Week-Old Fetus

~ Posted on Monday, December 28, 2015 at 5:58 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys. For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:

A team of doctors in Kerala for the very first time performed a surgery on a 29-week fetus to relieve narrowing of the exit of the unborn baby's heart chamber. The heart of the unborn baby was accessed through the mother's abdomen under ultrasound guidance and a widening of its heart valve was performed.

The procedure called 'aortic valvuloplasty' was performed by the doctors of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center. The 29-week fetus suffered from aortic stenosis -- which causes restricted blood flow through the heart valve -- and ran the risk of heart failure.

After the surgery, the baby is expected to be born with normal circulation of blood. The mother and the fetus remain stable after the procedure performed by the team of doctors led by Balu Vaidyanathan. "It is expected that over the ensuing weeks till the pregnancy reaches term, the ventricular function will recover and baby will be born with a stable circulation at birth," said Vaidyanathan.

First Heart Surgery On a 29-Week-Old Fetus

What do you think?

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - Easy Ways Parents Can Encourage Kids to Write

~ Posted on Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 6:01 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys as I'm very interested to know your thoughts on this. Do note that sharing this does not mean I agree or disagree with it. For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:

While many parents build special time for reading into family life, we don’t all do the same for writing. I believe we should. Why not call these times "read o'clock" and "write o'clock", the way I do. Don’t worry about what time precisely to do this. It doesn't matter WHEN we fit reading and writing into each day, so long as we do.

We need to make sure our kids know that writing is important and an activity we value. That means ensuring they see us writing, whether that be a grocery list, a note for a friend, or a recipe we're creating. Little ones will want to copy us right then and there, so it’s a great idea to have some writing materials available especially for them.

Before children start school, writing is mostly scribble with some letters thrown in, and maybe a picture for good measure. This is an important stage for kids. They gradually become aware of words and letters in their environment, and often want to copy what we write. Having kids write their own grocery list when we shop together is a great way to include writing AND make a shopping trip fun. Food clip art can help them make a list, and they get to cross off items as we shop.

As children master the early stages of writing, it’s important to keep write o'clock going. It's a good idea to be alert to opportunities that call for writing. Birthday party? Invitations and thank you cards. Kids nagging for something? Have them present their ideas on paper. Camping holiday? Lists galore! Often youngsters will have their own interesting ideas for writing activities, but if not, here are some more suggestions:

* Help children create a comic strip, perhaps using software, or an online editor.

 * Write a letter to someone real or imaginary, persuading them about something. Maybe your child might want to persuade The Big Bag Wolf to change his ways, or talk the Prime Minister/President into having more school holidays.

 * Take a photo or find an image and write a caption to accompany it.

* Create a character - with words, a picture, even act it out - and use this character in a story.

* Write instructions to explain something you know how to do, perhaps how to build something in LEGO, or how to blow up a balloon.

* Link writing with reading when that works for you. If kids are unhappy with the way a story ends, you might suggest they write a new ending. If they adore a book character, they may be thrilled to write more adventures for him/her. Some children will love the idea of recording all the books they read and writing a single sentence about each one.

Apart from the importance of regular daily writing, for however short a time, and having our kids catch us writing, here are some more tips. If our kids already have writing homework, that counts! I want children to enjoy writing as much as I do, and turning it into a chore won’t help. As much as possible, write o’clock activities need to be short and fun. Having special writing stuff like cute paper and pens, or being able to borrow Dad’s iPad, helps make daily writing time something children look forward to.


I personally would like to add that as parents, we can also make all the writing utensils and tools exciting and interesting for them. Get them colorful marker pens, highlighters, white erase boards, make it easily and readily accessible for the kiddos to use and write on whenever they want.

Easy Ways Parents Can Encourage Kids to Write

I also get our 6.5-year-old boy to write to a penpal. I looked for trusted parents in the FB groups I joined and exchanged addresses with them and get our boy to write whatever he fancies and mail it off for him. I use aerogram (50 cents for Malaysia) and it is easy and convenient as well.

Easy Ways Parents Can Encourage Kids to Write

What do you think?

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.