Why We Pulled Our Almost 3 Years Old Out From PreK...

~ Posted on Monday, August 25, 2014 at 7:26 AM ~

On 20th August 2014, our almost 3 years old Alyson started her 1st day in K1 (that is 1st year in preschool). We had registered her name last year after we did the same with her older brother (who is now 5.5 years old) as we understand it is not easy to enrol kiddos into the preschool. In fact, when we registered Benjamin's name in August last year, we were told that the waiting list is very long and for Ben's class (K3), the earliest available slot for him would be 2016 or if we do not mind, we were recommended to enrol him into K4 instead since the number of children in that class is lesser (as some would be going to primary school or international schools) With that in mind, we decided to put in Alyson's name as we were thinking maybe by the time she is offered a spot in the preschool it would be when she is 4 or 5 years old!

Praise to God, Benjamin got in for K3 this year as a few children left the class to go on to private schools. We were very glad and happy that he got in and so far, we can see changes and improvements in him. Sometime in March this year, I found out that to be considered into the preschool, all the children needs to be potty trained first and so I got onto training Alyson so that she could be ready (her brother took about half year to be potty trained)

I was caught by surprise when Alyson took the potty training seriously and she was successfully off diapers within a month! And early August this year, I got a call from the preschool's person in-charge that we can send Alyson in as they have a slot for her. I immediately felt sad as all of a sudden, our girl is ready for preschool.

My MIL told us to reconsider as Alyson was not 3 years old yet and it was a bit too early for her to start preschool considering we only started Ben at almost 5 years old this year. MIL also said we all think Alyson is all grown up just because we are comparing her with Carolyn who is 10 months old now. Which I personally agree too... MIL said that it is better to let her start in beginning of the year instead of August (few months left for the year) as her opinion is everyone in the class already gone through almost the whole syllabus and Alyson is just starting.

Anyway, hubby and I discussed about it and we thought to let her try it out and see how it goes. We thought if Alyson is to start preschool, it is better to do it now when the rest of her classmates are already settled in and the teachers have more time to focus 1 to 1 with Alyson despite her classmates going through whatever syllabus they have for 3 years old.

20th August 2014 - Day 1 of K1 ~ I dropped her off at the preschool entrance. Alyson hesitated for a while but after a gentle talk from the teacher in-charge, she walked in like a trooper, not even looking back to say bye to mummy. I was so sad. My girl is suddenly all grown up! Sob sob sob... I was told to pick her up an hour before her class ends since we are in the trial phase.

So at 11am, I waited for her and realised her class were in the playground nearby, playtime and I walked over quietly and saw her playing happily there. I was told to wait for her in the office to collect some forms for detailed registration. When an assistant walked back to the preschool with her, I noticed she was more talkative and expressive, not shy at all and was told that she did not cry or had any tantrum or whatsoever. She called out 'Oh mummy!' as she ran towards me when she saw me in the office room. As we left the preschool, she excitedly pat her school bag and was excited to go home with me.

21st August 2014 - Day 2 of K1 ~ I dropped Alyson off at the preschool entrance again and she walked in without any fuss. I went to get her at 11am again in the playground and she was excited to see me as well.

The same day, I was praying and asked God for directions. I just felt a nudge and as if my heart is being tugged to reconsider putting Alyson in class. I kept asking hubby whether we should let her continue and hubby asked whether she is crying or anything when I left her, which so far is not at all. What makes it harder was Alyson is not really communicating properly still, sometimes she babbles at us, sometimes her words are clear to us. I asked her 'Do you like class?' she says 'Class'. I asked her 'Do you want to go school?' she says 'No!' then I asked her 'Do you like school?' she says 'School' so it was pretty tough to gauge her feedback on attending K1.

22nd August 2014 - Day 3 of K1 ~ Alyson is having delayed reaction to attending preschool. When I dropped her off at the entrance, she stood at the staircase, not crying, not saying anything, not budging at all until one of the teacher had to carry her in. Hmmm… praying for God’s will, should we continue? This is the first negative reaction from her after 2 half days in K1… 

I got home and prayed and prayed and prayed and chatted with a dear sister in Christ (*thanks Darla!) sharing out my concerns and worries and she prayed with me over this. I also discussed with hubby and we decided to pull Alyson out. You know, the moment we both decided to do that, I felt a great sense of peace over me. Burden lifted. No more worries and heart tugging feelings.

When I went to get Alyson in her preschool, I asked to talk to the person in-charge and explained to her our decision. Just to cut story short, I was told that pulling her out will mean her slot will be passed on to the next person in queue. I said we are totally aware of that and will try to enrol her again in 1-2 years time, but in the meantime, we feel that she is better staying home with me and to enjoy her childhood a wee bit more like her brother (who only started preK at almost 5 years old).

After leaving the preschool area, I took Alyson to the playground while babywearing Carolyn.

As I watched Alyson skipping and hopping around enjoying herself, I can't help but to think this is what God intends for us to do... for us to let Alyson still enjoys her much deserved freedom in her childhood years.

I did took a recording in the playground asking her 'Do you want to go class?' this time she says 'no!' then I asked her 'Do you want to go school?' again she says a stern 'no' so it was pretty clear and obvious to me.

For those who might want to comment that children need time to settle in a new environment, yes, truly agree with that. It took our 5.5 years old boy a few weeks to settle into his preschool but the point in our decision to pull out Alyson from her preschool has got nothing to do with her needing time to adjust or settle in, it is more because we feel she should stay on and enjoy her childhood a wee bit more, learning things from me, being home, playing and having fun with her baby sister and us all instead of being rushed through to grow up so fast.

I'm glad we have the privilege to pull her out of preschool and let her enjoy her childhood more.

I trust that our decision is backed by God and I pray and pray for God to give me the strength and courage to teach our kiddos one day, no fears, no doubts, no worries.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

iPad App Review - Little Critter Numbers

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 7:49 AM ~

We are a big fan of Little Critter's apps and I think it is great to be able to review this app as I get to introduce numbers to our 2.5 years old girl and reinforce this for our 5.5 years old boy who is already learning this in his preK.

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: Little Critter Numbers
* Price: $1.99
* Category: Books
* Released: July 23, 2014
* Version: 2.6
* Size: 50.9 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+ Made for Ages 5 and Under
* Requirements: Requires iOS 6.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Description from the product page:

"Join Little Critter in this interactive board book app as he goes on a counting adventure at the zoo! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Kids will love to practice counting with 4 toothy crocodiles, 5 playful seals, 6 brown bears, and other delightful animals - all the way up to 10 entertaining penguins!" 

I'm a full-time mummy

* This app is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* At the end of the app, there is a page that shows you in colors the animals you counted as you learn along the app. I think that is cute as you engaged the little ones to tap and count along and ensure they counted the numbers accordingly.

* There are options to go to other numbers instead of going through one by one.

* I like that there is an option to use new narrator's voice (aka me!)

* Overall an educational and fun app for the kiddos!

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "Little Critter Numbers" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

How to Schedule Post on Facebook Fan Page

~ Posted on Monday, August 18, 2014 at 6:54 AM ~

As some of you might noticed, I am more active on my Facebook page and being someone who absolutely loves to read stuff, I tend to come across with lots of interesting articles on the Internet and a lot of these articles are what I personally feel worth sharing on my fan page.

I do my best to space out the posting of these articles so as not to overcrowd our FB walls, so I scheduled all my postings days in advance on average by 2 hours gap starting from 9am until 11pm (Malaysia time). There are days where the gaps are closer especially when I came across those articles that I feel I must share at that moment.

FYI, I don't really remember what I have scheduled earlier unless I spend some time browsing through my scheduled postings (which I don't often do), hence there might be more negative news in a day etc. I actually have to explain this in order to answer some individuals on my FB page who asked why am I postings so many negative news on a particular day.

Anyway, here is a quick tutorial on how to schedule post on an FB Fan Page:

Step 1: Copy paste the text and link that you want to be posted on your FB Fan Page. I normally will copy the first few paragraphs or sentences from the article as excerpt followed by the URL link to the article.


Step 2: Right below the preview thumbnail of the article, click on the 'Schedule Post' link and select the date from the popup calendar followed by the time you wanted to schedule to post the article.

Step 3: Once you have determined the date and time to schedule the posting of the article, click the 'Schedule' button. You will then see the following screen telling you that your post has been scheduled. You may click 'Close' to close the screen.

Step 4: If you realised that you may want to change your scheduled date or time, click on the 'View Activity Tab'.


Step 5: Look for the post you wanted to change and click on the arrow button on the right hand corner of the related post. You will see a drop-down menu with options to reschedule, edit the text of the article, pubilsh the post immediately or to delete the scheduled post.


I hope this article serves to help you in planning out how to schedule your posts on your Facebook fan page!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.