To John Mayer...

~ Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010 at 10:40 AM ~


My name is Benjamin. At 18.5 months old, I might be one of your youngest fan - for now.

Btw, I love guitars!

When my daddy went to buy his own accoustic guitar, mummy and I tagged along and I was so amazed at the many selections of guitars there.

Yes, I might be in my jammies, but it's the passion and talents that matters right?

Every morning after I wake up, I'll bug the daylights out of my mummy to play your song, "Say" then I'll grab my guitar and pose like you.

And sometimes I hum and sway along to your song.

Sometimes I pretend as if I'm singing in front of a big crowd in one of your awesome concerts and I'd be generously granting encore requests from my imaginary fans.

You guys over that side!
You want one more round?!

Sometimes I just sit around and strike my macho pose like how you do it.

I know I'm still a toddler and my interests changes really fast.

So while you are still at the top of my favorite stuff, I just want to dedicate this post to you.

Thank you for your awesome music!

Love you (for now),


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

~ Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 10:02 AM ~

Just want to share some pictures taken during our recent family outing to a shopping mall where we saw tons of lantern decorations in view of the coming Mid-Autumn Festival on today's date. FYI, these decorations were displayed all around the mall for a contest held (the theme this year is underwater) and the rule is the lanterns and decorations must be made from recycled products. I think it is a good idea!

Mid-Autumn Festival

Fish Lantern

Closer look shows that the 'fish' are actually made from recycled plastic bottles.

Here's another one which impressed us quite a bit... Look at the 'scales' of the 'fish'!

It's made of those aluminium cans' tabs.

Fish Lantern

We liked this one, it's made of rubber foam. Looks real huh?

Turtle Lantern

And here's Nemo and his dad!

Nemo and his dad

And here's a shot of Ben checking out the lanterns deco with daddy.

To those celebrating this festival,

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

What Have I Done?!

~ Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 9:15 AM ~

Note to self: This is a reminder and lesson for me to think before doing something to Ben in the future... even if it is originally meant as a joke... or to entertain Ben...

You see, one fine day in the car, Ben was playing with his craft work from Sunday school. It was this 'fish' made from a paper plate with round stickers on the 'fish body' which is meant to be the scales. Ben was getting fussy and I decided to peel off one of the stickers and stuck it on his hand. He smiled. And then I peeled another and stuck it on his face. And then he cheered up and all the fuss is forgotten.

Last week, during a trip to visit hubby's friend, Ben played with the 'fish' craftwork again...

and see what he does to himself...

(** Note: I have nothing to do with it cos I was busy laughing at what Ben did Tongue out)...

Sigh... Jenny, Jenny... Look at what you've done to Ben!

No more next time okay? Embarassed