Starting Solids For My Girl...

~ Posted on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 8:33 AM ~

I started solids for my girl when she is about 6.5 months old. As with my boy, we started off with a small tin of Nestle baby rice cereal. Most important is to get the one which we mixed with breastmilk instead of mix with water (as that means it's already added with formula milk inside the cereal)

As of now, she is still on direct breastfeeding most of the time as I only gave her solids once daily, around 10am+, after a brief feed on one side (to satisfy her hunger but not fill her up so much)

My mini challenges everyday is to hand express my breastmilk fast enough before she starts crying for her feed hahaha, but I use that to my advantages also as I will feed her one side and hand expressed the other side to mix with the rice cereal.

We are down to half tin now, which I will then progress to pureed veggies and fruits with breastmilk. I noticed she's not that enthusiastic sometimes during the solids feeding which is why I'm not rushing yet.

Oh, btw, I also use the solids feeding time to start teaching my girl to get used to saying grace before eating, like how I did for Ben (which he cleverly does nowadays for all his meals!) So what I do is, I grasped both of her hands, looked her in the eyes, and said "Thank you God, bless my food, Amen" (Ben normally chimes in with his Amen at this point)

That's all the updates for now...

Toddler Meals (January 2012)

~ Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 8:11 AM ~

In this month, we have included more vege into Ben's meals as well as making it more cute and whacky. I have also make some weird combination of food which he eats happily... Pictures below categorised by breakfast, lunch and dinner which I have managed to snap...



05 Jan: broccoli banana pancake
10 Jan: Oats + fish paste +
chicken + mashed broccoli
11 Jan: Carrot apple pancakes
12 Jan: Pasta shells with carrots
+ apple cubes
14 Jan: Banana pancakes
+ soy milk
16 Jan: 2 slices of french toast
+ apple
18 Jan: Pancakes with broccoli
+ apple + pear cubes
20 Jan: Tuna banana cheese
on wheat crackers
21 Jan: Hearty Banana Oat
22 Jan: Cheese omelet with
'octopus' sausages
23 Jan: Oats with broccoli + pork
24 Jan: Sausage stromboli
+ carrots + banana & choc milk
25 Jan: Banana cheese omelet
26 Jan: Broccoli French Toast



09 Jan: Oats + pork slices
+ mashed broccoli
10 Jan: Tomato fried rice
(by hubby)
19 Jan: Pasta shells + carrots
+ pork balls + mango pudding
20 Jan: Oats + broccoli & chicken


04 Jan: Chicken chop + broccoli
+ beans with angel's hair pasta
23 Jan: Pasta shells, mushroom
+ pork + topped with choc pieces

Hope to include more vege into his meals in February and also have more time to cook up some creative ways to make his food cuter and more appealing. Thanks for reading!

Toddler Meals (December 2011)

~ Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 8:53 AM ~

It has been a while since I last posted pictures and meals that Ben took. I used to do  the toddler meals posts on a weekly basis before I delivered Alyson and I want to continue back this tradition of disciplining myself to ensure Ben is getting proper meals but I think with my schedule now, I can post it on monthly basis and pictures taken will be whenever possible.

So here goes the meals Ben had in December 2011:

Toddler Meals

Above - 08 Dec Lunch: Fried rice with slice sausages and egg

Toddler Meals

Above - 22 Dec Lunch: Poached egg with steam broccoli (mashed up) + oats with bits of cucumber and chicken

Toddler Meals

Above - 28 Dec Breakfast: Cheese omelete, 1 slice of fish fillet

Toddler Meals

Above - 29 Dec Lunch: Egg mayo sandwich cut with birthday cake cutter

Toddler Meals

Above - 30 Dec Breakfast: Banana pancakes

Toddler Meals

Above - 30 Dec Lunch: Chocolate banana spread bread sandwich

Toddler Meals

Above - 30 Dec Dinner: Spaghetti with dory fish fillet

I'm a full-time mummy