Paranoid of Going Out...

~ Posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 7:57 AM ~

It has been a while since I last drove my car (hubby's 11 year old second hand car actually, passed down to me when he bought a second hand car for his business use) and I was just starting back to gather enough courage to drive the car myself, brought Ben along a couple of times with him sitting behind like a good boy, just about 5 minutes away to buy some buns and takeaway food.

And then the news about all the crimes started coming in...

** Image credit: Google search

First it was posted by a lady on Facebook about the failed attempt to kidnap her in a shopping mall (about 20 minutes away from our house). At first I thought, OK, I won't go to shopping malls by myself or with my kids, unless my hubby is going out as well.

And then numerous cases of people being hit and attacked randomly at parking lots and got their belongings stolen while they were in the car park area.

OK, fine, I really need to step up and beefed up on observing all around while at the car park. Make sure not to draw attention to myself, don't bring big handbags or anything, put all belongings into a small pouch or best to put inside pockets of my pants. Do everything fast, don't delay or be a slowpoke and walk slowly and all. Into car, drive, out, get stuff, back into car, those kind of moves I thought...

Next a recent case of a lady and her friend being attacked in an open-air car park in broad daylight. BROAD DAYLIGHT. OPEN-AIR car park! She managed to escape after being noticed by 2 passers by because she kept on pressing her car horn with her hand and legs, all the time while being attacked.

And just yesterday I saw a post shared on a friend's Facebook wall about the latest tactic used by robbers to rob you. They lay down spikes on the road and waited for your car to drive by and when you stop to check your burst tires, they run out and rob you!

Oh gosh... what is wrong with our country?

At this rate, I might end up being at home 24/7/365 (which I already am most of the time unless we have a family outing)

What are your tips to protect yourself when you are out and about?

Book Review - ParentSmart/KidHappy™ Ready for Bed!

~ Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 7:27 AM ~

I read the press release of these new books with great interest especially when it mentioned "...the books illustrate everyday scenarios that can challenge parents and young children: getting ready in the morning, sharing toys, and going to bed at night. Along with simple dialogue and full-color illustrations, the books include color-coded text to cue parents about positive language to use with their children. The ParentSmart/KidHappy series teaches four positive parenting techniques: (1) how to validate a child’s feelings, (2) how to offer choices, (3) how to promote problem-solving skills, and (4) how to encourage alternative behavior.

So I immediately wrote in asking whether there is any possibilities of me reviewing the printed copies of these awesome books and a month later, these books arrived safely into our hands! Yes!!!

Without further ado, here goes my second review for the "ParentSmart/KidHappy™ Series" book entitled "Ready for Bed! A Tale of Cleaning Up, Tucking In, and Hardly Any Complaining":

Title: ParentSmart/KidHappy™ Series (Ready for Bed! A Tale of Cleaning Up, Tucking In, and Hardly Any Complaining)
Author: Stacey R. Kaye, MMR  Illustrated: Elizabeth O. Dulemba

Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing
ISBN-13/-10:  978-1-57542-269-5
Paperback:  32 pages
Dimension: 8 1/4" x 8 1/4"

Description from the product page:
" “I don’t want to go to bed!” If you’re a parent of a preschool-age child, you’ve probably heard this before. And you probably know about the crying, fits, and complaining—by both of you—that can follow. Ready for Bed! offers healthy, lasting solutions for a stress-free bedtime routine.

This book, and others in the series, provides a BONUS for parents and caregivers. With honesty and gentle humor, Ready for Bed! shows how to handle typical bedtime struggles by modeling three parenting techniques using color-coded text to teach the language of positive parenting:
* Giving encouragement
* Validating feelings
* Offering choices

These techniques are explained in detail in a section at the end of the book that is just for adults. The result: you get through bedtime challenges with less stress while building your child's emotional intelligence and your own parenting skills. Ready for Bed! features:
* An engaging, realistic story that will ring true for parents and kids alike
* Easy-to-use techniques and positive language highlighted in color-coded text
* A section just for adults that explains the language of positive parenting
* An easy, fun way to improve parenting skills—by reading with your child

Ready for Bed! is part of the ParentSmart/KidHappy series, the only parenting books intended for grown-ups and kids to share. Reading this book not only teaches adults effective techniques for encouraging bedtime cooperation, it provides a model for kids to follow. "

I'm a full-time mummy

I love the idea of this book where mummy gently guides her son Marco (the main character in this book) who is not ready for bedtime through a series of choices to make while making them fun and exciting and in the end, able to accomplish her objective to getting her son to sleep.

As I go through the book with my 3 years old son, I can see him nodding in agreement (while displaying sad face because the little boy has to go to bed I guess hahaha!).

I love the beautiful and realistic illustrations! I I love that the ideas the mummy used relates to what I do with my boy on daily basis too, like bathing and brushing his teeth before bedtime and I'd love to try the idea where the mummy let Marco choose his own pyjamas. I let Ben decides when we reached this page and he too chose the crocodile pyjamas and I can see his happy face when Marco wore the same pyjamas!

One particular thing I had to deviate with the book was the part where mummy reads a bedtime story book with Marco. We don't really do that for bedtime, instead we use iPad and go through some of Ben's favorite games and storybook apps. But I think my boy gets the idea that it is a way to bond and get ready for bedtime.

My verdict? Definitely a must have book!

I'm a full-time mummy

You can get this book from Amazon and Free Spirit Publishing website.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a copy of the book in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous book reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My Book Reviews"

I'm a full-time mummy

Life With 2 Kids - Friends or Foes?

~ Posted on Monday, July 9, 2012 at 12:45 PM ~

One moment they happily stood next to each other...

And few minutes later...



But then I guess to Alyson, she thinks her big brother is playing with her but he's not! A lot of times I caught him trying to hit or push her. It is usually a light smack on her head or a gentle shove on her body but I'm trying my best to deter that. I think Ben is jealous of his baby sister and doesn't like the attention she is getting (I try my best not to be so affectionate to my girl in front of Ben)

Just yesterday during Ben's Sunday schools at church, I was chatting with one of the mummy in the class and her elder son is behaving like Ben too. Her kids are around my kids' age so we can totally relate and we nodded at each others scenarios! Sigh...

How do you get your older child to be gentle and be affectionate towards his/her younger sibling(s)?