Product Review - YogaToes®

~ Posted on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 8:17 AM ~

The first time I saw the pitch for this product, I went 'Wh-at?! You mean there are products out there that let my toes do yoga?!'

Now did you know that 25% of bones in our body are located in the feet which are made up from 52 bones? And did you also know that women suffer from 4 times as many foot problems as men? It is important that women wear correctly fitting footwear as on average they walk 3 miles further every day than men. So with all these foot facts, all the more I got to review it! So here goes my review for the "YogaToes®":

I'm a full-time mummy


About the product:
"The patented ergonomic design of YogaToes® works between, above and beneath toes to stretch them apart from each other, away from the ball of the foot and down from the top of the foot. Stretching and working the muscles increases circulation. You know how good you feel after a workout or a massage. Now your feet can enjoy the same results! All you have to do is slip into a pair of YogaToes®. YogaToes® help improve & prevent common foot problems like: hammertoes, bunions, Plantar Fasciitis, crossed toes and poor circulation."

I'm a full-time mummy

I requested for XS size and purple color as it is one of my favorite color. My first impression when I saw the product is it looks like flubber, you know one of those jelly rubber toy. I took it out from the packaging and found out that it is quite heavy and yes, it is flubbery hahaha... The two ends of the YogaToes® allows you to easily split it open to slide in your big toe and small toe. The YogaToes® does not feel sticky at all.

I gently slide in my toes into each YogaToes® and just relax and continue doing my work while my kids took their afternoon nap. What a bliss! The first time, I did this for about 5 minutes and it felt weird. My toes were stretched out for 5 minutes and the sensation after taking off YogaToes® is weird of course. The next day, I repeated this again and this time, it does not feel weird at all.

According to the website, it says "As with any conditioning program, YogaToes® might be uncomfortable at first. This most often means your feet really need them! As soon as you put them on, you will feel your feet responding. Pay attention to your feet - we are so used to foot pain, we tend to ignore them." So I guess, this product is working for me!

I am very happy I get to review this and will continue to use it as regularly as I possibly can.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can get this at or find out more info at

I'm a full-time mummy

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using

Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

I'm a full-time mummy

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

~ Posted on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 1:48 PM ~

Came across this awesome article highlighting breast cancer awareness in October.

For every 12 months of breastfeeding, a woman can lower her breast cancer risk by 4.3%. Wow! I am still breastfeeding my 3.5 years old boy now on top of tandeming with my 1 year old girl. So that would be over 12%!

And since I'm breastfeeding Alyson, I'm helping to reduce her risk by 26-31%!


iPad App Review - A Smile for Elliot

~ Posted on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7:36 AM ~

My 3 years old boy is quite a cool kid in the sense that he doesn't smile unless he's doing something mischievous or unless you asked him to, or unless he's super happy with something. I guess he's pretty much like me, reserved and cool initially. So I know I just had to review this app when I saw the review pitch of this app as I wanted to know how I can make him smile next time! Anyway, my review as below...

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: A Smile for Elliot
* Price: $3.99
* Category: Books
* Released: Sept 14, 2012
* Version: 1.0
* Size: 157 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Touchoo Ltd.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later

Description from the product page:

"This is a story of a little boy who tries to help his special friend find his smile again. Together they travel through colorful and fascinating experiences that can only be created in a child's imagination."

I'm a full-time mummy

What's good?

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that some of the objects we touch on the pages animates pretty funny too! The illustrations are simple and yet captivating.

* I also appreciate the progress bar at the bottom which indicates how far along are we into the story.

* I like that the app featured a boy as one of the main character (other than Elliot the koala bear) as I feel my 3 years old boy can relate himself better with the storyline.

* I also find this app timely as my boy is in the pretend play stage currently and his imagination at the moment is just so astounding... so when I saw the pages with the characters imagining that they shrunk to the size of a mouse and eating the yummylicious cupcakes, I can't help but smile as my boy sometimes pretends he shrinks and enlarges (after watching the "Honey I shrunk the kids" movie)

* There are some pages which I also used the opportunity to teach my boy about seasons, fall, winter, spring and summer. It is cute and fun to see the environment and the characters changing as we pressed the 4 seasons icon at the bottom right on the screen.

* I have to admit I went 'Awwwwwww...' at the last page in this app. Just too cute to see the koala bear finally smiling with the little boy!

Room for Improvement?

* Nothing much I can think of other than I think the price of the app at $3.99 is a bit too pricey.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "A Smile for Elliot " app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

I'm a full-time mummy