How to Choose a Gynecologist...

~ Posted on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 8:09 AM ~

Yes, people. I'll be posting more often about pregnancy stuff on my blog since I'm currently expecting our 3rd child and there are a couple of friends in my network who are expecting their first child as well, I thought it'd be good to share my thoughts and experiences in this.


Ultrasound by Максим Кукушкин

I have previously posted a question on my Facebook page asking my blog followers to share their opinions and experiences. Below are some of the responses received:

  • "as long as comfortable with the dr.. not special preferences.." ~ Carmen Ng
  • "Male. They dun get too emotional and panicky." ~ Goh Siew Choo
  • "I chose a male because he was straight to the point and didn't sugar coat anything. He was also very direct in his answers to all my questions." ~ Tania Heyblom
  • "I find that female is more understanding, and was more respectful on my decision for natural birth." ~ Krystal Soong
  • "I had a female gynae with the birth of my 2nd baby and she was really rough with the internals and was kinda like "suck it up princess" and then I changed to a male gynae afterwards and I really did notice a big change." ~ Candice Rich

Some people (like me) prefer male gynae while some prefer female while some mentioned as long as they feel comfortable with the gynae, they don't mind the gender of their gynae.

Some shared horror / uncomfortable experiences with gynae from opposite gender.

For me, personally I have gone for 6 gynaes, 2 females, the rest males.

1. Female Chinese gynae: Upon ultrasound on my tummy, said that my baby was too small for his size and suggested I take hormone pills to help baby grow faster. I had side effects whenever I take the hormone pills orally and after a few days, hubby and I decided to consult another gynae for his opinion.

2. Male Indian gynae: Recommended by hubby's colleagues, this gynae was attached to Sime Darby Medical Center but had his own maternity clinic. Told him what happened with previous gynae and the reason why we're seeking another opinion. He did ultrasound vaginally (more accurate compared to scan over tummy) and discovered our baby size is normal as we need to consider my irregular period cycle. He also said that it is not necessary for me to take the hormone pills but if I do continue them, I should take them vaginally because if I take them orally, by the time it passed through my digestive system, there's only about 25% left to be absorbed by baby. He also taught us about stopping our over the counter multivitamins and just continuing our folic acid and Obimin (which has sufficient multivitamins for pregnant mums) We stopped seeing gynae number 1 and continued with this gynae right up until I was in my 7th month pregnancy and I switched to Putrajaya hospital after considering the services, feedback from friends and the affordable charges in the hospital.

3. Male Malay gynae: This is the gynae we see throughout our 1st pregnancy from 7th month until I delivered Benjamin in March 2009. He was gentle, soft spoken, does not rush through our appointments, explained things thoroughly and we were very satisfied with his service and skills.

4. Male Chinese gynae: About a year after giving birth to Benjamin, I found out my gynae number 3 left the hospital to head the O&G department in another state. So when I got pregnant with Alyson, I had to look for another gynae for temporary basis until I could gather more feedback on which gynae I should go for in Putrajaya Hospital. To be honest, I am a very big fan of Putrajaya Hospital so I definitely will want to go back to this hospital. Anyway, our 4th gynae is attached with Sime Darby Medical Center and I see him for 2 months only, each time waiting for 1 hour plus for my turn and paying RM200+ for each visit. I am not very happy with this gynae as he flat out told me to wean off Benjamin when I told him I was still nursing him during my 2nd pregnancy.

5. Male Malay gynae: After researching online and also asking the nurses in Putrajaya Hospital, I decided to go with this doctor and am very happy I chose him. He is similar like my 3rd gynae, gentle, soft spoken, does not rush through our appointments, explained things thoroughly and you feel very comfortable with him. Unfortunately, he did not deliver Alyson as he was still on his leave and his replacement doctor delivered my girl in September 2011. I had a pleasant experience with the female doctor although it was the first (and only) time I meet the doctor.

6. Female Malay gynae: On several ocassions, I had to go for this gynae when my 5th gynae is caught up with his patients (emergency C-section right before my check-ups) and everytime I see this gynae, she hurried through our check-ups, saying everything is normal, anymore questions. I personally do not like being rushed as I need time to digest through and think through what I wanted to ask the gynae but when she does that, it just turned me off.

Now, how to determine which gynae to go for?

  • Decide whether you want to go for male or female gynae, do you feel comfortable with which gender more?
  • You can also ask around your network of friends, relatives, colleagues and get their recommendations and reasons why they go for the particular gynae.
  • You may also need to consider whether the gynae is attached to any hospital (preferably nearby) or has his/her own clinic. I would also consider whether they are pro-breastfeeding and/or pro-natural birth.
  • If possible, try to find out how many patients go with the gynae, other things to find out such as whether the gynae conducts episiotomies, experiences with high risk pregnancies, the waiting time (for me, I rather wait if the gynae is good), hospital/clinic conditions etc.

I hope the above covers as much as I can possibly think of for now. Feel free to share your feedback if you have anything else to add!

iPad App Review - Just Me and My Little Brother

~ Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 8:59 AM ~

I mentioned before that we are big fans of "Little Critter" apps and the latest app we reviewed is the "What a Bad Dream". Just in case you missed out on my 3rd pregnancy announcement, I was very interested when I saw the words "Little Critter" and "Little Brother" in the latest Oceanhouse Media's press release in my email inbox, I immediately requested for a review copy. Well, at 2.5 months preggy now, we still can't tell the gender of our baby now, but I would like to see how my kiddos react to this app. Anyway, my review as below...

I'm a full-time mummy

* Title: Just Me and My Little Brother
* Price: $0.99
* Category: Books
* Released: March 11, 2013
* Version: 2.1
* Size: 30.0 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

Description from the product page:

"Little Critter is looking forward to all the fun things he can do with his little brother. They'll go trick-or-treating on Halloween, ride bikes, build a snowman, watch spooky shows on TV, and more. Little Critter is eager to share these exciting experiences with his brother, but he'll have to wait since his baby brother must first learn how to walk!"

I'm a full-time mummy

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* I like the storyline where it tells how Little Critter looks forward to doing lots of fun and cool activities with his little brother. As mentioned earlier, I'm currently expecting my 3rd child and although we have no idea of the baby's gender yet, I would like to instill this idea especially to my 4 years old Benjamin that having a baby brother and baby sister again is going to be fun, fun, fun all over again!

* I particularly enjoyed the page below where it shows Little Critter and his little brother sharing a bunk bed together as my hubby and I are considering getting a bunk bed to put in our room, to slowly transition Benjamin out of our bed as we are all still co-sleeping at the moment. So having a bunk bed, maybe Benjamin could sleep on top while I continue to sleep at the lower bed with Alyson and the baby then and at the same time, hubby's King size mattress right next to our bunk bed.

* One thing I don't feel comfortable with is the page below where it shows Little Critter hugging his little brother while watching spooky shows, I'm okay with the idea of spooky shows (monsters are spooky to Benjamin) but the thing that makes me uneasy is the 2 cans on the floor and the messy snacks left on the floor. Not exactly something I would want my kiddos to learn and think it is alright to be messy so as we go through this page, I reminded Benjamin that we should be clean and tidy and make sure we clean up after eating or snacking.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can purchase the "Just Me and My Little Brother" app from the iTunes App Store.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

I'm a full-time mummy

Number 3 Is On the Way!

~ Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 8:32 AM ~

Sorry not announcing earlier despite home test did almost 1 month ago, only managed to do my check-up with gynae yesterday. Baby #3 is 10 weeks today, due probably late September this year.

Baby Number 3

So, it's back to feeling morning sickness all again (thank God all my pregnancies morning sickness are mild and bearable) and this time, I'm very tired and more nauseous than ever. Hope to bounce back to my usual active self soon. As for kiddos' updates, Alyson is still nursing at the moment (she's 1.5 years old) and Ben wanted a baby girl again, so we'll see...

More updates on pregnancy as we move along... :)