Product Review - Lazada

~ Posted on Friday, August 30, 2013 at 7:38 AM ~

I always believed God is watching over us! A while ago, I was telling myself as I rummaged through my worn out diaper bag (it's already 2 years old) and telling myself it is high time to get a new diaper bag, and few weeks back while discussing with my hubby what to get for our ninja girl's coming 2 years old birthday and hubby suggested we get a Duplo set for Alyson's birthday (as it can easily merged with her brother's Lego sets and we are really strong believer in Lego stuff which helps foster creativity and motor skills in our kiddos) and then a few weeks back also, one of our kiddos got a bit of a fever and I used our digital thermometer and I noticed the flashing battery low indicator and I was like thinking 'Argh... not this... how to change battery?' and God comes to our rescue and answered our prayers!

To cut a long story short, I was approached by Lazada Malaysia to collaborate with them and despite my announcement that I am stopping all product reviews to focus on our coming 3rd child in October and also taking care of our 2 kiddos now, I just had to accept this pitch as the products sent for my review are what I have been asking for!!! So here goes my review for the products we received from Lazada Malaysia:

I'm a full-time mummy


About the company:
"Lazada Malaysia is poised to be the single largest online mall that is part of a global cyber chain already established in Europe. We have similar sites in China, India, Singapore and the Philippines with plans to move into other parts of the world. Lazada Malaysia will change the face of shopping by offering a user-friendly, convenient and trusted e-commerce platform. "

I'm a full-time mummy

 I received a total of 3 products for my review which I will break it down for easier reading:


# 1 : Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag (Black color)

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

A new diaper bag with a detachable bottle holder! Yay! I would've preferred a red color bag (easier to notice) but black will do as well as it masks off dirt and mess easily too hahahah... I particularly love the spacious pockets all over the bag, and boy, this bag does have lots more pockets than my current worn out diaper bag! More places for me to stuff my kiddos things and snacks!

I also like that this bag comes with 2 handles which can be easily hold up together with a Velcro strap and I would definitely prefer the sling strap as I find it more comfortable to carry a sling diaper bag. I also like that the bag has 2 cute zipper tabs (I get annoyed when there's only one zip tab), I mean, 2 zip tabs are cool as I can open it from either sides!

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

A look at the insides of the diaper bag, whoaaaa... spacious... the width of the bag is about 6 inches, lots of stuff I can put in, enough for 3 kiddos' stuff later! Btw, the diaper bag also comes with a changing pad which you can use in the event you need to change your kiddo's diaper anywhere, anytime!

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

One thing that I'm still trying to get used to is the way the sling strap is being hooked/attached to the diaper bag. The metal hooks are not located on the sides of the diaper bag (like how my worn out diaper bag is) but are located at the top, zig-zag across each ends. You don't really noticed the difference when you sling the diaper bag, just that I feel weird and need to get used to this new settings.

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

So I took out everything from my worn out diaper bag and transferred them over to the Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag. There's a whole lot more space left in the diaper bag and I love how I can organised the things better now. More pockets for me to put things in different places rather than stuffing everything into a small space like how I previously did.

Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag

This Bubbles Ashley Diaper Sling Bag will come in handy when our 3rd child comes along as I will be able to pack all 3 kiddos' stuff into this bag! Yay! For more information on this bag, go to:


# 2 : Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer (Koala Bear design)

Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer

Like I mentioned earlier in this post, a few weeks back, one of our kiddos got a bit of a fever and I noticed the flashing battery low indicator when I was using our digital thermometer and I was worried about the prospect of not having any digital thermometer to measure our kiddos' temperatures in the future. And look at what we have here! The Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer!! Yay, and it comes with 4 cute designs, which are frog, koala, panda and bear. We got the koala bear design and I love it! Really cute!

What impressed me about this Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer is it has a flexible tip, you can really bend the tip back and forth. Very good when you have wriggly little ones trying to escape from being forced to have their temperatures taken hahahaha... This thermometer also has a fever alarm and is waterproof as well. Nice!

Of course I immediately got down to testing the Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer with our current low battery digital thermometer on both my kiddos. The temperature shown for my boy is same for both devices whereas we are off by 0.1C reading for my girl.

Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer

Bremed BD1130 Digital Baby Thermometer

The only thing I would prefer is a bigger screen for the thermometer as the screen for our current one is quite big. For more information on this thermometer, go to:

# 3 : Lego Duplo Luigi’s Italian Place (5818)

Lego Duplo Luigi’s Italian Place

What a cute Lego Duplo Luigi’s Italian Place set we got here! This was initially meant for our 4.5 years old boy but we have decided to give it to our going to be 2 years old ninja girl soon as hubby and I were planning to get her a Duplo set for her birthday.

Unfortunately, this is the only Duplo set available for our review and we are really a big fan of Lego products and thought this would still make an awesome gift although it might be more geared towards boy type of games. Anyway, our ninja girl is not into dolls or girly cookery toys anyway, so yeah, we decided to go ahead with the Lego Duplo Luigi’s Italian Place!

Btw, why we love Duplo products? For your info, DUPLO products are fun and safe for younger hands, the blocks are big enough for them to play with and we can testify how awesome Lego products is for our 4.5 years old boy as we can see how creative he got as he plays with his Lego and we hope to repeat the same with our soon to-be 2 years old girl later.

I would really love to open this Duplo set up but like I mentioned earlier, we wanted to get this as a birthday gift for our going to be 2 years old ninja girl (her birthday is on 2nd Sept by the way) so I will have to revisit and update this post with more pictures of our girl playing with this Duplo set after her birthday passed okay?

If you are planning to look for Lego or Duplo products, you can browse for more designs at:

I'm a full-time mummy

You can browse for more products at

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products by Lazada Malaysia in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

Bargain Books via The Book Depository

~ Posted on Thursday, August 29, 2013 at 7:56 AM ~

Some time last year, I blogged about buying books online via The Book Depository. I am still a frequent customer of this wonderful site, free shipping and on and off, bargains and cheap deals available for limited time. Last month I managed to snag some awesome bargains when The Book Depository (aka TBD) had their bargain deals.

Sharing with you 2 of the books I managed to snag! I love these books because I am getting them for USD3+ (includes shipping to Malaysia!!!) and our 4.5 years old boy loves Little Critters and they are educational as well and all the pages have perforated lines at the side which I can tear up and make copies over and over again if I want to! Awesome!! Btw, if there is no bargain, each of these books costs about USD10! (includes shipping too)

The Book Depository
Spectrum Beginning Reading preschool
Paperback 140 pages, ISBN 13: 9780769651699

The Book Depository
Letters and Sounds, Grade Preschool
Paperback 160 pages, ISBN 13: 9780769651897

So cool right? Do hop over to The Book Depository and check out their deals from time to time! You can go to their website by clicking the icon on my blog sidebar (right hand side- do note that there is an affiliate links there)

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

An Outing to Our Local Fire Station...

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at 8:26 AM ~

Last week, I brought our 2 kiddos to a nearby church to find out about their children's playgroup session. Apparently they have just set up this playgroup sessions recently and I was looking for a nice playgroup place where I can bring our kiddos to and at the same time be with them during the session.

God works in miraculous ways, I was clearing some books I have and posted pictures of them in my SAHM group in FB to give away to mums who are interested to be their new owners and one mum responded with regards to one of the books and after chatting over FB, I found out that she sends her children to this church for preschool and she mentioned to me about the new playgroup program.

So yeah, last week, I brought my kiddos to the playgroup center to find out more and they were having one of the playgroup session that time. We can see about 10 kids there with their parent and/or grandparent and I can see my 2 kiddos curious and wanted to join in the fun too. So anyway, I found out that they are organising an outing to our local fire station and immediately I asked whether we could join in the outing.

And yes, I was told we can join in of course! I think I was more excited than my kiddos as I know very well how they both love watching Fireman Sam and I think they would be thrilled to see a fire engine and fireman up close, and perhaps even sit in a fire engine!

On the outing day, we arrived just in time at the playgroup center (took me about 10 minutes to look for a parking spot) and just as we walked up to the playgroup center, I saw everybody leaving and walking towards the fire station. Lugging our 2 years old ninja, I took my 4.5 years old boy's hand and walked faster to tag along the rest.

We reached the fire station and was then allowed to take pictures up close at a fire engine parked right in the fire station. We were then told that we can sit in the fire engine and one of the fireman offered to bring us parents and kiddos for a short trip around the neighborhood to have a feel of riding in a fire engine. WoooooO!!!

We were the 2nd batch of parents and kiddos to ride in the fire engine and I admit, I was being selfish, the moment the fire engine drove into the station, I quickly queue up to get the front seats with the fireman. Anything for my kiddos, I tell you! And so, yes, we got the front seats of course! Plus I think it is better anyway for us to sit in front since I have 2 kiddos with me and a preggy bump as well, wouldn't be comfortable and nice squeezing at the back passenger seats right? Hehehehe...

The fireman initially turned on the loud siren, immediately I can see Benjamin getting excited but suddenly one of the younger boy at the back started crying and was terrified at the sudden noise. The fireman immediately turned off the siren. Oh well, the thrill was short lived but better than nothing. Once we reached back at the station, we sat on the floor and listened to a short briefing on how to use the fire extinguishers.

Once it was over, we say goodbye, thanked the firemen and I got Ben to shake hands with one of the fireman. We walked back to the playgroup center, I lugged our 2 years old ninja all the way back of course with Benjamin walking beside me. Chatted with a parents and I shared the tips and how I potty trained Benjamin as well since they asked me how I potty trained Ben.

Once we were back at the playgroup center, the kiddos were treated to a light snacks and we also sang goodbye song to those who are leaving earlier. I can see my kiddos enjoying their snacks while I chatted with another mum. I also paid for our September playgroup sessions in advance for both kiddos.

Back home, I asked Ben whether he likes this class and he said 'Yes' so we'll see how it goes. For now, I'm very thankful we found this playgroup session and prayed that it will help my kiddos to socialise with others more and I get to make more mummy friends as well. Thank you God for pointing us to this place and thank you Abigail for your help in getting the contact number to this playgroup center for me!

**Personal notes: Apologies but due to my paranoia of privacy and security of myself, my family and my kiddos, I am not going to reveal what is the SAHM group I'm in, the playgroup name, the area and so on. Apologies but like I said, I am really paranoid and with info like this being shown in public, I hope you can understand my reasons for doing so.