Book Review - Parenting for Education

~ Posted on Monday, September 9, 2013 at 8:27 AM ~

I received an email pitch to review this parenting book over 2 months ago, and finally able to read through everything! I have always been interested and keen to read books on parenting, teaching children and so on, hence I requested for a PDF copy (since I read books on my iPad most often nowadays and it is so convenient for me to bookmarks certain important points and tips in the book) Here goes my review...

Title: Parenting for Education
Author: Vivian W. Owens

Publisher: Eschar Publications, LLC (2013)
ISBN-13/-10:  978-1929221011 / 1929221010
Paperback:  233 pages

Description from the product page:
"Simple educational how-to, why-to, and what-to-do book. Practical guidelines assist parents with helping their children at home to build basic learning foundations. Motivational and inspiring.  Many topics will lead you to help your children raise academic performance in math or reading. Particularly useful to parents of children aged six months to fourteen years old."

I'm a full-time mummy

The book comes in 10 chapters touching on topics like guidelines to start off our young ones to learning, examining the root causes of learning and the solutions, how to raise academic performances and deal with underachievers, setting goals for future and using your home as a learning environment.

In Page 19, I agree with the statement of "Think not of grades and test scores as the school year begins. Instead, think of individuals. Your child is a unique human being with feelings and needs unlike another. He needs your love, guidance, and support in order to rise to his best potential. You are the over-seer of his education, and good things happen when you take that responsibility seriously." Each child is different and we progress in our own pace and it is because of this factor that I am looking after our kiddos at the moment.

While we are still on page 19, I also try to implement one of the tips which is "Children need to hear parents say, “I know you can do it!” ". Whenever I see our 4.5 years old boy struggling to do something, I quickly assure and calm him down before he erupts into a tantrum believeing he is a failure and everything is going against him. And when our boy is finally able to do a task, I also make sure and gently reminded him 'See, mummy knows you can do it!'

I also agree with the statement of "Celebrate your child’s unique personality. Compliment him for the strengths that enable him to be a productive human being, and you increase his sense of self worth." also on page 19. I mean, not just our child, even us adults would appreciate some words of compliments every now and then.

I find myself nodding with the tips on page 39 'Look for your child’s good actions. Catch him in the act of controlling his temper, doing homework without needing to be reminded, talking less while working, cleaning his room'. I try to make sure our kiddos know mummy is watching him and knows he is doing good things and behaving well, not just scrutinising and scolding / nagging when he's not behaving well.

On page 55, "Playtime is very important to young minds. It allows creative, intellectual expression as well as motor development. And, we, parents should not intrude on playtime with our suggestions and our ways of doing—most of the time. Playtime without intrusion is called “Free Play.”" I have recently registered both my kiddos to a playgroup sessions (twice a week, each session 2 hours and parent must be around to accompany their children, which is what I like) and the playgroup sessions incorporate freeplay time as well so I really appreciate and thank God we managed to find this playgroup sessions!

I learned a new thing from this book, on page 65, something about Underachievers, according to the book, "a category of underachievers who are generally highly creative and intellectually inclined. Students such as they quite often do poorly on tests because test masters expect you to choose one best answer, and these children have insight into several correct answers." Wow! I've never thought of this. So this statement is an eye opener for me!

However, I personally do not agree with the statement on the same page "Additionally, parents should assist their child by seeing to it that they prepare for quizzes, tests, and exams. Carefully review questions with them, showing them how to arrive at conventional answer" as I believe if we are trying to coerce child into conventional answers, it would stifle their creativity and confidence.

In page 80 "Help For Dyslexia", I also need to pay more attention and observe our boy as he had some signs of this, for example writing in mirror image and he occassionally has trouble with left-right coordination.

In summary, this is a helpful book that opens up my eyes towards understanding our child more, that each child matures at a different rate; and there are many other factors that affect that maturity and we should not gauge a child's development and progress based on their age as it does not confer readiness.

I'm a full-time mummy

You can get this book from Amazon and many more.

I'm a full-time mummy

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a PDF copy of the book by the author in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous book reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My Book Reviews" I'm a full-time mummy

Third Pregnancy at month 8...

~ Posted on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 8:22 AM ~

This post is to journal down the 8th month+ of my third pregnancy now! I realised I did not blogged much about this pregnancy, compared to my previous one which I blogged religiously every month. From this point onwards, we are going for bi-weekly check ups with our gynae. Anyway here goes the update:


Sweet sugary stuff still lures me every now and then which I do indulges after resisting long enough.


Image taken from Google search

My weight at this month (week 33 now) is 54.5kg, that makes it an increase of 9.5kg since I got pregnant, okay, so far so good, weight is gaining normally!


Gynae confirmed again beyond the shadow of doubt, 99/9% that we are having a baby girl! As for my amniotic fluid is a bit low, 9.3 during our previous check-up 3 weeks ago, it is now 12+ yay! Gynae shared with us that he always believes rest is important for preggy mums. When you are well rested, your blood pressure stabilises and you eat well, in good mood all the time and baby does not have to work hard or be stressed in the tummy, hence amniotic fluid is able to increase back slowly. I am thankful that hubby is understanding to let me rest whenever I can and he took over caring the kids when he sees me dozing off all of a sudden without a care in the world.

Being preggy now, I tend to forget a lot of things, hence the fetal kick count, glucose monitoring, wearing my Babyplus gadget, sigh... all forgotten... gynae did reminded me that from week 36 onwards, it is important to monitor fetal kick count as space is getting less and it is also indication if amniotic fluid is low.

During this check-up, I was also given a tetanus jab. I got the jab while I was preggy with Alyson 2 years back. According to gynae, the jab immunity lasts for 5 years, no harm to take, no harm not to take but he gave the orders for me to take. The jab is painful by the way, kinda like being punched real hard at the jab spot. This is a precaution in case I delivered early and not within hospital area (distance between hospital and our house is about 1 hour car ride)


Yes, like what I did with Benjamin when I was pregnant with Alyson, I nursed him throughout the pregnancy. This round? Same. I think my colostrum is back as I noticed Alyson's diaper is a tad heavy lately after her night time sleep.


Baby movement very very active especially past midnight.

So there you go, updates as at 8 months+ pregnancy... Overall, I am very thankful as all readings are normal and progressing well. Have a blessed week and thank you for reading!

Welcome to Terrific Two Phase, Alyson!

~ Posted on Monday, September 2, 2013 at 7:24 AM ~

Yeap, today is the day our precious ninja girl, Alyson turns 24 months old... aka, the TERRIFIC 2 stage! Like her brother Benjamin, I choose not to even think of the commonly used 'terrible twos' terms as I like to think positive and I believe we as parents should think the best and positive thoughts of/for our child!

We have been so blessed by our second kiddo, her cheekiness, the joy she brought to us, we are constantly amazed with her understanding and inquisitiveness, how she can self-feed herself at a young age, and that she enjoys her food so much that I don't have to worry much. I love that she loves her mummy's milk just like her big brother, and hope to tandem nurse when our 3rd child comes along in less than 2 months time.

I hope that she will love her new bay sister and continues to bring joy to all of us!

Happy 2nd birthday to you sweetie!

Mummy, daddy and Benjamim ko-ko loves you awfully so so so much!

Read: Psalm 112:1-2 (NIV), Psalm 127:3 (NIV), Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)