Ben and Buzz!

~ Posted on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 4:49 PM ~

Ben laughing while watching Toy Story 3 (for the gazillionth times) with his buddy, Buzz Lightyear...

Sliding on his own!

~ Posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 2:27 PM ~

While I was in the bookstore at a family outing recently, hubby and our niece, Bonnie accompanied Ben to play in this small indoor playground (less than 1 minute from the bookstore) and hubby called me up and asked me to hurry over to the playground. It seems that our little baby is now sliding on his own! He no longers need to hold daddy's or mummy's hand while sliding down... Our baby is growing up!!

One minute he's learning to sit on his own...

(Ben at 6 months old - 1st time learning to sit)

And we have to hold Ben whenever he wants to play the slides...

(Ben at 14 months old sliding down with daddy holding onto him...)

And the next minute we see him sitting and sliding on his own!

Yes, it may be a short and small slide, but it's still a big milestone for him (and us!).

My baby boy is growing up! (He's 22 months old today btw!)

Last birthday with my mum...

~ Posted on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 11:55 PM ~

I woke up this morning and saw my handphone showing a birthday reminder. If my mum is still alive today, she'll be 64 years old on 3rd January.

I still remember 4 years ago, I was at home, alone, praying for things to turn out fine. My mum was in the ICU at that time, her conditons slowly improving - she had kidney failure and was on daily dialysis.

It was just a few minutes after midnight on 3rd January and I decided to risk it (as in get ready to be scolded by the nurses for calling at such late hours). I called up the ICU department and asked the nurse to pass my birthday wish to my mum (she's sleeping that time) when she is awake. When I went to visit my mum later that day, I asked her whether the nurse passed her my birthday wish and she nodded. We didn't celebrate much, no cake, no card, just spending time together.

That would be my last time celebrating birthday with my mum. She passed away 8 days after that. She was and always will be the strongest woman and person I have ever known.

Ma, Happy birthday to you. I missed you so much...

* Image from Google search