The last I wrote about our kiddos' playgroup session was on the last day of September 2013 (I actually blogged 1-2 weeks in advance) sharing my bittersweet memories that I won't be bringing our 2 kiddos to their church playgroup sessions as our 3rd baby is due then and I will be busy for some time settling down with 3 kiddos then.
First week of October, our 4.5 years old already asking me when will we be going to the playgroup session. I feel like a crappy mum for not being able to bring our kiddos there!
Second week of October, I was so tempted to bring our kiddos there when I backed out last minute after seeing quite a number of mummy friends sharing that their children and classmates are down with cough, flu and cold. It wasn't that I'm afraid our 2 kiddos will get it, I'm more worried that they got it and brought back the virus home and infect our newborn. So plan delayed.
Third week of October, again, backed out last minute due to the viral season still lingering.
Last week of October, I decided this is it. This is the final session for 2013 as the playgroup center follows the national school holidays session whereby schools will be closed from mid November until early 2014. I didn't see anymore postings from mummies about kiddos falling sick so I thought this is just right. Discussed with hubby for him to take care of baby Carolyn for an hour while I bring Benjamin and Alyson to their playgroup session for the last hour activities (we missed the storytelling session as we were late).
I still remember how excited Benjamin was the night before when I told him if he behaves and goes to bed early and wakes up early, mummy will bring him and Alyson to playgroup session. His face lit up literally and he reserved his Spiderman clothes for the playgroup session!
Like I mentioned earlier, we missed the storytelling session since we were a bit late. When we arrived, it was time to queue up to wash hands for snacks. Some mums were surprised to see me bringing our kiddos (for Chinese, I should still be couped up at home for confinement period) and they were surprised to see me being out and about so fast.
After the snack session, the kiddos had a short freeplay session where they get to play with some bricks (refer picture #1) while the parents and caretakers have a short tea break. I didn't join in the tea break as usual as I prefer to be near my kiddos and watched out after them (yeah, I know, I'm like a mama hen!)
The final activity for the day is costume play where all of us went upstairs into this room, all prepped up with jewelleries and costumes for parents to choose for their kiddos to try and wear and take pictures and simply just have fun!
Alyson went straight to the makeup table in the center and sat right into one of the chairs and got busy decorating herself! (refer picture #2)
Wow! I honestly didn't know where she learned all this from since I'm never the type of person to do any make up at all! (*Note: Probably she got it from my mother-in-law as our kiddos are used to seeing her getting ready with makeup and stuff in front of her makeup table)

I managed to take some pictures of our kiddos trying out the costumes and jewelleries they liked. (refer picture #3) I also snapped a picture
(refer picture #4) which surprised me and brought a smile to my face, I finally saw my 4.5 years old boy approaching a little girl in the playgroup center and heard him saying 'Hey, can I be your friend?' Wow! Social milestone!
You see, like his mummy, our boy is very shy and reserved with strangers but to see him ditching this shyness and approaching a girl asking whether he can be her friend, and mind you, I also snapped a picture of the little girl looking surprised hearing his question and then she went on to flipped her skirt sideways blushing at the same time, so so so cute! I hope this will continue and our boy will finally be able to make some new friends!!!
Looking forward for 2014 playgroup sessions!
**Personal notes: Apologies but due to my paranoia of privacy and security of myself, my family and my kiddos, I am not going to reveal what is the playgroup name, the area and so on. Apologies but like I said, I am really paranoid and with info like this being shown in public, I hope you can understand my reasons for doing so.