Yeap, today is the day our precious ninja girl, Alyson turns 24 months old... aka, the TERRIFIC 2 stage! Like her brother Benjamin, I choose not to even think of the commonly used 'terrible twos' terms as I like to think positive and I believe we as parents should think the best and positive thoughts of/for our child!
We have been so blessed by our second kiddo, her cheekiness, the joy she brought to us, we are constantly amazed with her understanding and inquisitiveness, how she can self-feed herself at a young age, and that she enjoys her food so much that I don't have to worry much. I love that she loves her mummy's milk just like her big brother, and hope to tandem nurse when our 3rd child comes along in less than 2 months time.
I hope that she will love her new bay sister and continues to bring joy to all of us!

Happy 2nd birthday to you sweetie!
Mummy, daddy and Benjamim ko-ko loves you awfully so so so much!
Read: Psalm 112:1-2 (NIV), Psalm 127:3 (NIV), Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)