Sorry, I Haven't A Clue...

~ Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 8:58 AM ~

In my 2 years of parenting life now, I have been privileged to be able to share my experiences and gave my advice to people across the world, the Internet and so on... Friends made on mom blogs, forums, personal blogs, even on Facebook. Topics ranging from pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding (mostly), baby care and so on...

And yet, there are some questions I've heard which I have to, (even today!) say "Sorry, I Haven't A Clue" to that...

* Image taken from Google search

So, the following are some of the questions that left me speechless and helpless (for not able to answer them!)...

#1: Any questions with regards to FORMULA MILK

Example: Which type/brand of formula milk is good? Or what formula brand is your boy taking?

* Image taken from Google search

Ummmm... sorry, I haven't a clue to that... I'm still breastfeeding my boy at 2 years old now and yes, since we brought our baby boy back to our house from the hospital, we have never needed to buy any formula milk at all. No kidding.

And yes, if you asked me how much I think we save on not needing to purchase any formula milk, I haven't a clue to that too as I have no idea how much a tin of those costs, what are the good brands and how much/frequent usage of the formula is as I breastfeed on demand and never knew how much I fed my boy. So, again, sorry, I haven't a clue to this...

#2: Any questions with regards to WEANING my child in order to try TO CONCEIVE for our next child

Example: How do you wean your child? How early you have to wean your child in order to try for the next one?

Uhhhhhh.. like I said in the earlier question, I am still breastfeeding my 2 year old boy and yes, I am almost 4 months pregnant as of today and I really can't answer this question. Friends and relatives tell me it's not possible to get pregnant while you are still breastfeeding and yet, I prove them wrong. People said we have to wean off our child in order to try to conceive our next child and yet, I am pregnant and STILL breastfeeding now.

* Image taken from Google search

#3: Any questions with regards to BREAST PUMP

Example: Which type/brand of breast pump is good?

* Image taken from Google search

Since I gave birth to Ben 2 years ago, I only used one battery operated breast pump (Medela brand, picture shown above) which was a hand me down from my 2nd SIL who got it from my 1st SIL. And I used that pump about 3 weeks (was serving my one month notice as I tendered my resignation a day after I returned to work from my maternity leave). I ended up learning to express my breastmilk using my bare hands. Armed with tutorials and guides from the Internet, I learned as much as I could on the techniques to hand express and I finally mastered it after a few attempts and was so glad and satisfied at my accomplishment!

After quitting my job, I direct feed Ben from then on and  resumed the hand express method when it was time for Ben to start solids at 6 months old. I hand expressed some breastmilk for storing after each direct feed so that I could mix the breastmilk with his solids during the initial couple of months of starting on solids.

So, yeah, if you asked me to recommend you a particular type/brand of breast pump, I'll most likely tell you to learn to do it the natural way, which is to hand express.

#4: Any questions with regards to transitioning my child to SLEEPING ON HIS OWN BED

Example: What techniques you used to get your boy to sleep on his own bed?

* Image taken from Google search

Since Ben came into our life 2 years ago, he has been sleeping with us on our bed. Granted, there are times when hubby ended up sleeping on the spare bed next to our King sized bed (selfishly hogged by Ben and myself hehehehe...), but still, co-sleeping with us since day 1. So I have no idea on the ideas/techniques to transition my boy to sleeping on his own bed. We do have a playroom for Ben with a spare bed for him (intended to be Ben's room when he is older) but as of now, we are taking it easy and slow and just let things run its course. I remembered I still co-sleep with my parents up until I was 7 years old.

That's about the questions I can think of which I have yet to be able to answer as of today...

What about you? What are the questions you get that you have no clue on how to answer it?