Angpow Story - Koi Fishes

~ Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:20 AM ~

I have been sharing some of my favorite angpow pieces on an angpow collectors group in Facebook and some members have been telling me to continue sharing my memorable stories and so I thought, why not write it down, that way, our kiddos can read about it when they grow up next time, eh?

For those of you who are not familiar or never heard of the words 'Angpow' (also known as 'ang pau', 'ang pao', 'angpau'), here is a quick definition:

Angpow = Red Packet (filled with cash inside) given during festivals

So for today's angpow story, it comes from this piece of lovely angpow:

Angpow Story

Today's storytime revolves around this angpow from Hennessy and Johnnie Walker. I don't take alcohol at all and didn't intend to keep any angpow related to alcohol but since the angpow design reminded me of something, I thought, why not? So, what is the story about? Look at that few kois swimming around.

The first time I see this angpow, I ignored it cos alcohol brand and I kept it aside.

The second time I see this angpow was during my angpow housekeeping routine where I took a good look at it and noticed the koi fishes reminded me of this blog widget I used to install when I first started my blogging journey back in June 2009, a month after I resigned from my IT job to be a stay-at-home mum (SAHM).

Back then, I created a blog on Google (Blogger) and it was just a small avenue for me to jot down my new journey as a SAHM while taking care of our then 3 months old boy. I was busy looking for things to spice up my boring blog layout and stumbled upon this widget which you can just copy paste the code onto your blog engine.

What the widget does was it shows a bunch of kois swimming around and those fishes will swim towards where your mouse is hovering at. You can customise how many fishes, what colors, etc etc. To be honest, I spent quite some time just playing with those virtual fishes hahahahaha... just cute seeing those fishes chasing after my mouse cursor lol.

Fast forward years later, I moved out from Google Blogger into my own domain, no more fancy smancy widgets on my blog now, I prefer to keep things plain and simple. But still looking back at the picture of these fishes just jolts back the early blogging memories of mine :)


** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - The Top 28 Biting/Stinging Insects

~ Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 5:43 PM ~

The Top 28 Biting Stinging Insects

(* Image source: Pestpro)

Sharing - Funny Parenting Jokes

~ Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 12:28 AM ~