Life With 2 Kids - Siblings Bond...

~ Posted on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 8:07 AM ~

It's almost 6 months of me being a mummy of 2 little kiddos. Ben still has his moments of bullying his little sister whenever he thinks she's hogging mummy and daddy or when he sees her inching to his 'territory' or his toys.

That aside, I do love the moments when they are together during playtime, especially when Alyson just lies there on her tummy looking up / at her big brother trying to figure out what is he trying to do. She sometimes thought her brother is playing with her! I know this because you can hear her chuckling away when Ben moves here and there.

I'm a full-time mummy

I'm a full-time mummy

I also love the moments when Ben is in one of his happy big brother mood and he lets her touch his toys (for few seconds) and he will stay near her for a while.

I'm a full-time mummy

Well, that's all the updates for now. Life with 2 kids is hectic but worth it (err, please don't ask me when is next one coming!) and I hope Ben will be more accepting of his baby sister soon!

I Love Wall Stickers!

~ Posted on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 11:00 AM ~

I love, love, love wall art, stickers especially! Unfortunately, most of the wall stickers sold in the market is mostly pretty looking but not functional. As a mummy of 2 children, I especially like to get wall stickers that not only can brighten up and beautify the room, I also look for those that can be used to teach my children, something like this Learn to Count Wall Stickers:

Bright Star Kids
Cute and you can count them too!

I also like to look for those that my children loves, for Ben at the moment, he loves tractors and roads and soldiers - oh well, pretty much all the boy stuff. Now see below, a height chart with cute looking tractors! I bet I'll have no problem getting Ben to stand still for me to record his height if I have this!

Ben loves tractors and trucks!

 So if I can only adorn our playroom with these kinds of wall stickers, I think Ben would go berserk and not leave the playroom! Hahaha!

Bright Star Kids
Vehicles with roads are his favorite too!

Like I mentioned earlier, I like something that is functional as well, and boy oh boy, there's even something called Chalkboard Wall Stickers! Awesome! I can totally see myself using it to scribble down my to-do list. I know my husband would be thrilled if we have this as I tend to forget things easily, even though I scribbled them on a paper it ends up being misplaced or accidentally thrown away!

Bright Star Kids
No more forgetful mummy!

Do you have wall stickers? What do you look for when you buy it?

** Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and words are 100 % my own.

What Motivates You As An Employee?

~ Posted on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 2:06 AM ~

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things. ~ Denis Diderot"

As I read the above quote, I was reminded of the time back when I was still in the workforce, being so passionate with what I'm doing, working hard and giving my best in whatever tasks assigned to me.

In my opinion, an employee wants to feel appreciated and have a sense of belonging in order to be motivated and work harder in a company.

I still remember back when I was working in a multinational bank in 2007, that was the first time I learned that the bank I worked for carries out a lot of approaches in order to be engaged with its employees. The purpose of doing so is to get the employees' feedback so that the company can try their best to accommodate and satisfy its employees. One of the approaches carried out by the bank is the Employee Survey scheme which was done annually.

** Image credit:

Each and every employee of the bank will be given a time off to fill up their feedback anonymously in the survey form and these feedback will be compiled and processed by the Human Resource Department and recommendations will then be suggested and implemented by the bank if they realised it is for the good of all parties.

I feel that it is good for a company to do so as not only they get to have its employees' feedback of the company and their satisfaction or dissatisfaction of their workplace and/or workload, the employees also feel appreciated and happy that their employer cares for them and wants to make their workplace a better and happy environment to work in.

If you are working, what motivates you as an employee?

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.