Sharing - 20 Most Common Parenting Mistakes

~ Posted on Monday, February 8, 2016 at 6:43 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys as I'm very interested to know your thoughts on this. Do note that sharing this does not mean I agree or disagree with it. For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:

Parenting Mistakes

1. Giving Them Too Many Choices
Many parents think children always should have endless choices, when the reality is kids can be overwhelmed if they're always given so many options.

2. Praising Them For Everything They Do
It's very common now to see kids who are almost junkies for praise. They won't do anything unless there is a payoff for them.

3. Trying To Make The Child Happy
Their job is to learn to make themselves happy, and you can never force a child to be happy.

4. Overindulging Them
They will almost always end up believing acquisitions lead to happiness. This sets up chasing the never-satisfying carrots, and can result in addictions and compulsions.

5. Keeping Them Too Busy
Most commonly with sports. Many parents wrongly believe "activities" will keep their kid out of trouble, but often times this will lead to the child being burned out or even becoming a bully.

6. Thinking Smart Will Save Them
It can be tempting for parents to promote smart as the end-all-be-all. Yet this can lead to a child becoming arrogant, thinking everyone else is stupid or secretly believe that they have to put on an act and are a fraud. As a result, nobody likes them.

7. Thinking A Strict Religion Will Give Them Perfect Values And Save Them
The first time they see hypocrisy in their parents or the touted beloved leaders, the house of cards start to fall.

8. Withholding Common Information About Important Topics — Like Sex
Many parents are terrified of talking about sex, and believe avoiding discussing it with their children will save them. But I've seen 13-year-old girls get pregnant, sometimes just to flaunt it at their parents.

9. Being Hyper-Critical Of The Child's Mistakes
It can be easy to assume intense scrutiny promotes success and makes kids better. But kids raised this way are driven to perfection in everything from looks, likability, sports, smarts, or you name it. When a mistake happens, they are worthless as a human being and start getting so angry that in some cases they will resort to self-harm even to the point of suicide.

10. Using Shame, Shunning, Or Threats
Never imply that there is a chance you might not love your child due to their actions, as some parents do so in order to get their kids to achieve compliance. It is a short term gain with abandonment lurking in the shadows. Then the child doesn't care either.

11. Making Kids Do Things Inappropriate For Their Age
I have 3 patients right now who, by age 4, were having to feed themselves and or had to be in charge of a sibling also. I've seen many who didn't have children of their own because as they all said; "I raised my family."

12. Not Limiting Screen Time
Whether it's TV, video, games, phone or texting. I know a family where the mom and teenage son text each other constantly and no one else can get into their relationship link.

13. Not Letting Kids Get Bored
Some parents think children are supposed to be stimulated at all times and it's their job to avoid boredom. Then kids don't learn to be creative and find the way out of boredom in themselves.

14. Protecting Kids From Their Own Consequences And Loss
I see parents with good intentions get their kids everything, from a simple toy to buying them out of legal trouble, and suddenly are surprised when the child respects nothing. All of us need to learn losing is just another way to gain wisdom and experience about what not to do.

15. Not Letting Kids Play Dangerously
The Forest Kindergarten schools have shown the children get sick less, are more well adjusted and also get along better than their regulated indoor peers.

16. Not Debriefing Kids At Bed Time
"What happened today?" Children sleep better and feel loved when the parent shows an interest in what happened that was significant to them in their own lives.

17. Not Reading To Very Young Children
Reading requires the child to be still, be quiet, and use their imagination. All the things videos don't. It prepares them for listening in school and being able to use their imagination for creativity and alternatives as a resource.

18. Pulling Pacifiers Too Soon
Parents know the pacifier is an outward symbol of insecurity, so they tend to take it away as soon as they can, instead of getting the child secure where it would drop-out naturally. I have adult patients who secretly suck their thumbs.

19. Not Regulating Food
And especially inquiring: "Are you full?" When this happens, typically your kid will load the plate again. That is an old survival program from our heritage as scarcity, when food was not available. Kids then chase a full-filled sensation, not understanding each time you fill yourself, your stomach adapts to that as normal and expands.

20. Spanking Children Older Than 5
Parents think it will teach them to be good, but using corporal punishment never works as well as love. I see all kinds of patients where the concept of 'Spare the rod-spoil the child' was anything but. No spoiling, just oppositional, angry, bullying, deceiving, fearful or performing automatons.

What do you think?

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Sharing - Every Parent Needs To See This Baby Photo

~ Posted on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 7:38 AM ~

I came across this article which I must definitely share with you guys. For your convenience, I have copied the excerpts from the article here:

Scott Walker, a Kansas-based father of two, is sharing a photo of his baby’s foot for a very important reason: to make sure other parents are aware of a dangerous condition, and know what to do in case it happens to their child.

 Scott and his wife, Jessica, welcomed baby Molly into their family back in September. She was born a few weeks early and experienced complications immediately after her birth, but recovered in hospital and is now happy and healthy.But at a recent lunch, Scott and Jessica noticed that Molly had become agitated and ‘very upset’. They tried to calm her down using their usual techniques, but nothing was working. Molly’s parents could see she was overheating, so took off her socks. That’s when they noticed something strange.

A piece of hair had become wrapped around one of Molly’s toes so tightly that it had cut into her skin and caused it to swell.

This condition is called a hair tourniquet, and can cut off a baby’s circulation, causes significant pain, and can even lead to infection and the loss of fingers and toes. The condition can also occur on genitals.

Thankfully for Molly, Jessica caught the problem in time and was able to remove the hair with a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers. ‘The hair managed to cut all the way through Molly’s skin,’ wrote Scott on Facebook, ‘completely around her toe, but it could have been worse had it gone much longer untreated, or if the hair wasn’t accessible.’

Molly’s parents want to spread the word about the condition and its risks. They encourage parents to always check fingers and toes if their baby is ever entirely inconsolable – and to take them along to the hospital if the hair isn’t easily removed.


** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Product Review - TheBigBox.Asia

~ Posted on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 8:08 AM ~

I have been cutting down on doing product reviews since 2014 and only accepted those that I feel will definitely fit into our family dynamics (especially books on parenting or homeschooling stuff, family products, something along those genre)

Few months ago, I received an offer to review some products carried by TheBigBox.Asia. After browsing through their website and seeing the yummylicious treats, I decided to go ahead with the review.

I'm a full-time mummy


About the company:

"Made for treat lovers everywhere, TheBigBox.Asia offers Malaysians the chance of sampling exquisite imported delights at affordable prices from continental brands such as Elle & Vire, Delacre, Compal, BN Biscuits and more. TheBigBox.Asia is a mall of treats with prices that will not hurt your wallet. Their delivery service currently covers the entire Peninsular Malaysia excluding Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan."

I'm a full-time mummy

I requested for the following items for my review after some serious browsing and selecting and shortlisting a couple of times the items I wanted:


One cool thing I must mentioned is how impressed I was when I received the parcel from TheBigBox.Asia. The treats are still chilled cool inside the parcel, nicely packed for maximum pristine condition.


The first item to be whacked cleanly by my 3 krakens of course is the Um Bongo 8 fruit juice. It comes neatly in a pack of 3, each pack is 200ml. My krakens slurped everything without leaving me even a drop to try!!! Must be that good for them to slurp cleanly so fast!


Next item we reviewed was the Elle & Vire Crème Dessert Chocolate. Just a little FYI, Elle & Vire’s dairy products can be found in more than 120 countries. Their products have become a reference for quality with consumers and professional chefs/caterers the world over.

I chose this as it comes in a tub of 4, just nice for myself and my 3 krakens (so sorry dear hubby! LOL!!!!) Now how does this crème dessert chocolate taste like? Liquid pudding chocolate but still jelly-like feel. Not bad. My 3 krakens licked clean each cup. I love that the content is almost filled to the brim and the nifty little foldable plastic spoon that comes with each tub.


The next item has got to be my favorite, the Elledi Party Wafers Cocoa Cream! This pack of 250g bite sized cocoa wafers filled with velvety cream is just so so good! I had to try real hard to refrain myself from finishing everything in one seating! Also, as ashamed as I am to admit this, I actually hide this pack away from being seen by our 3 krakens, only to take it out to savor bit by bit at midnight after my krakens have gone to bed, deep asleep hahahahaa... Anyway, I can practically taste the chocolate cream layered in each bite sized cocoa wafers, so rich and filling! Yumssss!! Two thumbs up!


The following item that I would like to share with you guys is the ERU Naturel low fat cheese spread. Forgive my lack of knowledge but when I first tried this cheese spread, I was totally mind blown as I gently spread out the cheese on a slice of bread, it is quite runny when I first put it onto the bread but then I discovered that the cheese sort of hardened/liquefied to be like those cheese slices texture. Like magic! The cheese is not too heavy or too salty, just nice for sandwich bread or to be eaten with crunchy crackers.


I also get to review the Delacre teatime snack box and the Delacre Delichoc Chocolat Lait. It comes with an assortment of Delacre’s classic icons including marquisette, Biarritz, Russian Cigarettes and other creations like Délichoc, Mini Sprits and Nordica. Tasty selections of treats that get eaten fast by all of us.


The last item is the BN 16 Framboise (Raspberry). The biscuits were made from whole-grain cereal with a delicious raspberry filling in the middle and comes in a handy reseal able package to maintain BN’s unique crispy texture. There are also vanilla and chocolate filling if you prefer to have other options.

To sum up my review, I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to try out the products from TheBigBox.Asia. Where else can you shop in the comfort of your home (or office hehehe) for treats from all over the world?

Highly recommended!

I'm a full-time mummy

For more products and promotions, do check out

I'm a full-time mummy

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.