I started my breastfeeding journey since March 2009, when our 1st child was born and I never stopped breastfeeding since then. I breastfed our 1st child past 1, 2, 3 years old, throughout my 2nd pregnancy, then went on to tandem nursed our first 2 kiddos for 1.5 years until our 1st child self-weaned at 45 months old. As for 2nd child, she is still nursing right now at 2 years old, I nursed through my 3rd pregnancy and currently tandem nursing our 2nd and 3rd child since 1st October 2013.
With all these experiences gained in my breastfeeding journey, I decided to pen down the critical phases which I think contributed to a successful breastfeeding journey.
To read my 1st post, you can click the link on this post: Critical Phase For Successful Breastfeeding Journey : 1st Hour.
For my 2nd post, I will start off with: the 1st day after giving birth to your baby.
This post is pretty much similar to the critical first hour after giving birth to your baby. I am just going to repeat the advice given which is to keep on latching and inform the hospital staff that you want your baby to be on breastmilk only.
What differs in this post with the previous post is, in the critical 1st day, you get to experience a day and night spent with your baby.
For my case, my birth hospital is pro-breastfeeding and baby has to be room-in with mum at all times (unless baby is premature or require constant monitoring under neonatal ICU unit due to some health complications) So with baby rooming-in with you, you get to experience for yourself how to handle your newborn, to get used to bay's cues for hunger, stress, etc.
On my first night with baby and being in a pro-breastfeeding hospital, there is no other options to comfort and soothe baby other than breastfeed (after you have checked diaper, swaddled and ensure environment is comfortable) You just gotta latch, latch, latch. With frequent latching, your brain will get signals you really need breastmilk fast!
Picture below showing Carolyn breastfeeding at 3.51am in the morning (I did not have any sleep at all until about 5am on the first day)

I also believe the first day is critical as you'll finally realised this is important and there is no other person but you and baby who can make this work.
Some new mums will be discharged from hospital on day 2 onwards and once you leave the hospital, there will be other factors affecting and influencing you. Husband, in-laws, older children, and in our culture confinement ladies (if you did not hire the breastfeeding friendly ones, they will affect your breastfeeding plan!)
So, yes, the 1st day after giving birth is a critical phase in ensuring a smooth path to your successful breastfeeding journey.
To sum this post up:
Critical Phase For Successful Breastfeeding Journey : the 1st day after giving birth to your baby.
Latching early will also help baby to practise his latching technique
Latching early will help YOU in your breastfeeding techniques too
Please make sure you inform the hospital staff beforehand that you want your baby to be breastfeed and no formula feeding whatsoever
If possible, room-in with baby after birth.
- Only YOU and BABY can make breastfeeding works. Do not let other factors influence your plan!
That's all for my 2nd post in the critical phase for a successful breastfeeding journey!
Feel free to ask and share if you have questions or feedback!